Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The berserk 'birthers'--targeted Sen. Dodd's healthcare event


Wow, check out these protestors outside a health care event by Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) in Hartford (via My Left Nutmeg). What follows are some very direct jokes about Dodd's cancer -- and the idea of some sort of euthanasia involving booze and pills:

"Barack Obama clearly said, all you should do is take a painkiller. How come we just don't give Chris Dodd painkillers?" shouted one man. "Like a handful of them at a time! He can wash it down with Ted Kennedy's whiskey -- oh excuse me, scotch!"

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Dodd is the poster boy for Health Care that Americans are paying for but can't get themselves. Most Americans would go broke if they had to have the Medical treatment Dodd is getting. But Dodd like all Law Makers have the best Health Care paid by the US taxpayers. So many stories of people losing everything even their lives because they can't afford Health Care or they paid for their insurance but were turned down for the care. Just how stupid are Americans anyway. I now everyone can be brought but this is stupid.

Any American who doesn't believe in Universal Health Care will find out how wrong they are when they need Medial Care and are either not covered/turned down and die. Yes as they meet St. Peter he will explain why their life was cut short and they can thank the Republican Party and the KKK members. Republican Leader Rush Limbaugh told the Law Makers to make sure President Obama failed and the United States failed. Well that means all of us will fail and die without health care duh.