Tuesday, August 04, 2009

After Opposing The Stimulus, Rep. Cao Now Working To ‘Channel’ Recovery Act Funds To New Orleans

Stimulus money was approved by Congress in February and now Rep. Cao is taking the money? What month are we in? August? Funny, he now takes the money when most of the people unemployed will exhaust their unemployment benefits by September.


Despite voting against the Economic Recovery Act, Rep. Joseph Cao (R-LA) is now working to bring Recovery Act money into his district. Last week, the Times-Picayune reported that Cao has been meeting with New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to apply to “use stimulus money for additional streetcar expansions and road repairs.” Cao boasted that he is now working to “channel” the money that he opposed to his district:

“Whenever I meet with the mayor it goes extremely well,” Cao said. “Our focus has always been and is today about the recovery issues of the 2nd District. We are trying to look at federal monies that the state has and channeling more of that money to the district.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Let's see if the voters remember what he did and how they could have had the money 6 months ago.