Friday, July 24, 2009

WH: Obama spoke to Gates and Crowley (separately) on phone

This is good. Whatever happened between the Officer Crowley and Gates, I hope both of them can talk and come to a compromise before this issue starts to fester. Obviously, the wingnuts are going batty with this issue. I am glad that the President is taken personal responsibility and call both parties and not take sides in this issue.


During his surprise press appearance, President Obama said he had spoken to Sgt. James Crowley on the phone. The White House just released a statement saying the president called Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Harvard professor whom Crowley arrested, just after the presser.

"The President called and connected with Professor Gates at 3:15 this afternoon. They had a positive discussion during which the President told Gates about his call with Sgt. Crowley and statement to the media. The President also invited Gates to join him with Sgt. Crowley at the White House in the near future."

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