Sunday, July 26, 2009

SPB News for Sunday.

Government Might Allow U.S. Trial for Detainee --Govt lawyers conceded that much of their evidence to justify Mr. Jawad's detention consisted of statements he had made that a military judge had previously ruled were obtained after he was tortured. The Obama administration changed course Friday in the case of one of the youngest prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, saying he would no longer be considered a military detainee but would be held for possible prosecution in American civilian courts. The decision came after a federal judge said last week that the government’s case for continuing to detain the prisoner, Mohammed Jawad, was "riddled with holes" and that the Justice Department had been "dragging this out for no good reason."

CBO and IMAC — This morning [Saturday], the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analyzed proposals to shift more decision-making out of politics and toward a body like the Independent Medicare Advisory Council (IMAC) put forward by the Administration. CBO noted that this type of approach could lead …

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