Saturday, July 25, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Saturday.

Cornyn: We Need F-22 To Protect Us From...India?
Check out this new Web video from Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), in which he he says we need to keep the F-22 fighter plane in order to deal with emerging international threats --
including India, which is an ally of the United States:
"It's important to our national security because we're not just fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq," Cornyn says. "We're fighting -- we have graver threats and greater threats than that: From a rising India, with increased exercise of their military power; Russia; Iran, that's threatening to build a nuclear weapon; with North Korea, shooting intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of hitting American soil."

Boehner claims he doesn’t know doctors who support House health bill.
Thursday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) denied that doctors supported the health care bill now moving through the House and attacked the American Medical Association for endorsing the legislation:
REPORTER: What is your reaction to the AMA’s endorsement of Obama’s plan?
BOEHNER: I have yet to talk to a doctor who is supporting the plan that is moving through the House. And for the American Medical Association to come out in support of this plan, even though I would think a great majority of their doctors are opposed to it, strikes me as inconsistent at best.

Limbaugh: Obama has a ‘chip on his shoulder’ because he’s ‘black.’
In an interview with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Thursday night, right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh said President Obama was more “passionate” during Wednesday night’s news conference about the arrest of his friend, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, than he was about health care. Limbaugh said the reason was clear: Obama is “black” and that as a result he’s “got a chip on his shoulder“:
LIMBAUGH: I think Obama is largely misunderstood by a lot of people. … We’re finding out that this guy’s got a chip on his shoulder. He’s angry at this country. He’s not proud of it. […]
Let’s face it, President Obama’s black, and I think he’s got a chip on his shoulder. I think there are elements in this country he doesn’t like and he never has liked. And he’s using the power of the presidency to remake the country.

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