Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's official: Naked Cowboy throws his name in the ring for NYC mayor run.


Robert Burck, more famously known as The Naked Cowboy (you know--the guy who walks around New York City in his underwear playing the guitar?) has officially announced he is running for Mayor of NYC.

His campaign reads: "Because Nobody Has Done More With Less"-- a bold statement if I do say so myself. But what exactly is the Naked Cowboy promising?

Among his platforms are:

1. Rich people should shut up and pay their taxes
2. Legalization of gay marriage
3. Small business programs, including interest free loans and tax holidays
4. Energy efficiency plans, like "naked Friday's"
5. Taxi cab buttons on every corner

He would also like to erect a Times Square Wedding Chapel, a billion dollar wedding business that will rival Las Vegas.

See Naked Cowboy's campaign website.



PrissyPatriot said...

No kookier than the other candidates! LOL

KittyBowTie1 said...

Mama says thank God this guy doesn't weigh 400 pounds.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I hope this guy's 15 minutes of fame don't drag on like Joe the Plumber's.

Anonymous said...

Hey if a guy in a dress can become Mayor of NYC why can't a nice muscular naked guy? At least he might as well show off is really good body, and hold a guitar over some personal areas?

Take a look, if you can stomach it, Rudia in a skimpy black outfit and heels, now tell me what guy would you rather see in less clothes?

SP Biloxi said...

"Take a look, if you can stomach it, Rudia in a skimpy black outfit and heels"


KittyBowTie1 said...

Blah!!!! I can't stomach that image.

Anonymous said...

Actually Bil you have posted that picture! He is dancing chorus line style in that little number....

I will take looking at some cowboy with a great bod any day over that!

SP Biloxi said...

That's what the Naked Cowboy looks like. What you see is what you get. Rudy/Rudia on the other hand wearing what the Naked Cowboy is wearing? No, can't stomach that. But, it is hilarious that this dude is throwing his name in the ring for NYC mayor. Wonder what the GOP will say about this new candidate.

Anonymous said...

Now the question is which is a worse image Rudy/Rudia naked, or in a dress?