Thursday, July 23, 2009

Defense rests in case of former Dollar Bill Jefferson

ALEXANDRIA, VA. -- The defense team for former Rep. William Jefferson rested its case today after only half a day that included testimony from two witnesses and the playing of excerpts from government surveillance tapes.
As announced Wednesday, the nine-term Democratic congressman did not take the stand in his own defense.

Jefferson is facing a 16-count indictment that alleges he extracted bribes to family-owned businesses in exchange for his using his office to help land contracts for companies in Africa. The defense says Jefferson was acting as a private businessman and never provided an "official act" - a vote, appropriation or earmark - in exchange for compensation, as required under the statute.

The trial is now in recess until Tuesday, when closing arguments are scheduled. Each side will have two and a-half hours. The case will then go to the jury of eight women and four men, who were selected in a process that began June 9.
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