Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cornyn and McCain: Both Senators that drank the same koolaid.

Remember this? Senator John Cornyn thinks the U.S. have to use the F-22 to counter all sorts of threats including... India.

"It's important to our national security because we're not just fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq," Cornyn says. "We're fighting -- we have graver threats and greater threats than that: From a rising India, with increased exercise of their military power; Russia; Iran, that's threatening to build a nuclear weapon; with North Korea, shooting intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of hitting American soil."
Obviously, Cornyn overdosed on the koolaid because Hillary Clinton just spent four days there in India this week. We just completed a civilian nuclear power agreement with India last year. Did Cornyn check in with our Secretary of State?

And remember when John McCain thought we were at war with Spain? You know when McCain mixed up President of Spain with Latin America and Mexico?:

"Would you be willing to meet with the head of our government, Mr. Zapatero?" the questioner asked, in an exchange now being reported by several Spanish outlets.
McCain proceeded to launch into what appeared to be a boilerplate declaration about Mexico and Latin America -- but not Spain -- pressing the need to stand up to world leaders who want to harm America.
"I will meet with those leaders who are our friends and who want to work with us cooperatively," according to one translation. The reporter repeated the question two more times, apparently trying to clarify, but McCain referred again to Latin America.
Finally, the questioner said, "Okay, but I'm talking about Europe - the president of Spain, would you meet with him?" The Senator offered only a slight variance to his initial comment. "I will reunite with any leader that has the same principles and philosophy that we do: human rights, democracy, and liberty. And I will confront those that don't [have them]."

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