Thursday, July 23, 2009

Abstinence-Supporting GOP TN State Lawmaker Admits To Sex With 22-Year-Old Intern

Gawd... lol And I wonder if this lawmaker rented a room at C street. Hat tip to TPM:

Meet Tennessee state senator Paul Stanley. He's a solid conservative Republican and married father of two, who according to his website is "a member of Christ United Methodist Church, where he serves as a Sunday school teacher and board member of their day school." (Check out the religious imagery on the site -- the sun poking through clouds, as if manifesting God's presence -- which of course shows Stanley's deeply pious nature.)

Stanley recently sponsored a bill designed to prevent gay couples from adopting children. And when a Planned Parenthood official recently sought his support for family planning services for Memphis teens, Stanley told her, according to the official, that he "didn't believe young people should have sex before marriage anyway, that his faith and church are important to him, and he wants to promote abstinence."

In a sworn affidavit, a Tennessee state investigator has said that Stanley admitted to having a "sexual relationship" with a 22-year-old female intern working in his office, and to taking nude pictures of her in "provocative poses" in his apartment.

Things started to unravel for Stanley, it seems, in April, when he received a text message reading:

Good morning sir, how are you this fine day? McKensie and I have been talking and I feel that I have a video and some pictures you might be interested in seeing. This is her boyfriend, that guy you met outside Walgreens.

That was the start of an effort by the girl's boyfriend to blackmail Stanley, which ultimately led to Stanley going to the cops. The boyfriend is now charged with trying to extort $10,000 from Stanley.

Oh, bonus! Stanley works as a financial adviser for the Stanford Financial Group, whose founder, Allen Stanford, has been charged with orchestrating an $8 billion scam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what makes it look even worse for the GOP. When they are on their soap box, bible in hand saying they are the .....well just look at the Gerbil, both Inagurations said, GOD wanted him to be President...

Pa Leeze, GOD wanted him to invade not one, but two countries and have so much blood on his hands? Innocent people, and children? The elderly, babies ....etc... They GOP needs to keep GOD out of it, alltogether. (as in saying they are the GOD party, the religious party, the moral party etc)