Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wingnuts Claim Ahmadinejad’s Reelection Was A Fraud, But Obama’s Responsible For It Anyway

Here we go. And not one of the wingnuts outcry Bush's two stolen elections for the past 8 years. And did we blame Iran for Bush's two stolen elections? I think not. Iran election is an Iran issue and not the U.S. issue. But, the wingnuts that are clinging on to their pearls have nothing better else to do.


But neoconservatives Richard Perle and Frank Gaffney blamed the election results on President Obama:

Richard Perle, a neoconservative and former Pentagon adviser, said Obama must share the blame for Ahmadinejad’s power grab. “Normally, when you unclench your fist it benefits the hardliners, because Obama appeared to be saying we can do business with you even with your present policies.” [...]

“It underscores the folly of the president’s basic premise that the problem we have with bad actors around the world is that they don’t understand us,” said Frank Gaffney, of the Center for Security Policy, a conservative think tank. “These people are thugs and they have been emboldened by our weakness.”
Similarly, this morning on ABC’s “This Week,” Mitt Romney insisted that the Iranian election result was a fraud — but also appeared to suggest that it was Obama’s fault that Ahmadinejad got reelected:

ROMNEY: The comments by the president last week, that there was a robust debate going on in iran, was obviously entirely wrong-headed. What has occurred is the election is a fraud, the results are inaccurate, and you’re seeing a brutal repression of the people as they protest. … It’s very clear that the president’s policies of going around the world and apologizing for America aren’t working. … Look, just sweet talk and criticizing America is not going to enhance freedom in the world.

On a side note: Mousavi's Twitter account

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