Wednesday, June 10, 2009

SPB News for Wednesday.

Poll: One in three Republicans sour on their party

Lieberman, Graham: We'll shut down Senate

GOP leader: Obama plans to import terrorists

US Supreme Court allows Chrysler sale to Fiat

Palin beginning to irritate some Senate GOPers — Sarah Palin has begun to get on the nerves of Republican senators who say the former GOP vice presidential nominee is taking her own White House aspirations entirely too seriously. — But those same senators may have their eye …

Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL): I Told China Not To Believe U.S. Budget Numbers — Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) now appears to have taken a bold step in the debate over the budget deficit: Openly telling a foreign government not to trust the administration in Washington. — The Straits Times reports …

Poll: Third of Republicans view party unfavorably In thinking about the Republican Party's troubles, consider this: One-third of Republicans now say they have an unfavorable opinion of their party. There's no such dyspepsia among Democrats. Just 4% have an unfavorable view of their party. The findings of a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll underscore the perilous state of the GOP.

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