Sunday, June 14, 2009

SPB News for Sunday.

Wash Post: Demographic shifts squeezing out Republican base.
Though repeal promised, Justice Dept. argues for 'Defense of Marriage' act

Lawmakers Reveal Health-Care Investments --Key Players Have Stakes in Industry Almost 30 key lawmakers helping draft landmark health-care legislation have financial holdings in the industry, totaling nearly $11 million worth of personal investments in a sector that could be dramatically reshaped by this summer's debate. The list of members who have personal investments in the corporations that will be affected by the legislation includes Congress's most powerful leaders and a bipartisan collection of lawmakers in key committee posts.

Obama's New Cybercommand to Be Run By Four-Star General --DoD views cyberspace as its domain as well, a new battleground after land, sea, air and space. A plan to create a new Pentagon cybercommand is raising significant privacy and diplomatic concerns, as the Obama administration moves ahead on efforts to 'protect the nation' from cyberattack and to prepare for possible offensive operations against adversaries' computer networks. Some administration officials have begun to discuss whether laws or regulations must be changed to allow law enforcement, the military or intelligence agencies greater access to networks or Internet providers when significant evidence of a 'national security threat' was found. Under plans being completed at the Pentagon, the new cybercommand will be run by a four-star general, much the way Gen. David H. Petraeus runs the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq from Central Command in Tampa, Fla.

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