Monday, June 22, 2009

SPB News for Monday

Brad Blog: Head of CA GOP voter registration firm pleads guilty to voter registration fraud.

Iranian-American group calls for new elections

NYT was ready to pay $5M for RohdeTimes reporter, two others kidnapped in Nov.; Taliban deny involvement.

Coleman staffers find new jobs
Coleman staffers leave as legal battle with Senator -elect Franken drags on.

Tony Blair pushed Gordon Brown to hold Iraq war inquiry in private --Leak reveals plan to provoke invasion Tony Blair urged Gordon Brown to hold the independent inquiry into the Iraq war in secret because he feared that he would be subjected to a "show trial" if it were opened to the public, the Observer can reveal. The revelation that the former prime minister - who led Britain to war in March 2003 - had intervened will fuel the anger of MPs, peers, military leaders and former civil servants, who were appalled by Brown's decision last week to order the investigation to be conducted behind closed doors.

Waxman-Markey Will Help the Poor, Impose Modest Costs on the Wealthy

Last week's poll had asked:

Thousands of Iranian people continue angry protest against the Iran election results. Do you believe the Iran election was fair? Readers answered yes. This week's poll is now up.

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