Monday, June 15, 2009

SPB News for Monday

Biden Questions Vote but Sticks to Policy on Iran

Ayatollahs Protest Election Fraud [TEHRAN BUREAU] Mir Hossein Mousavi's, the main reformist rival to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, letter to the important ayatollahs in the holy city of Qom, asking them to protest the fraud and declare it against Islam, has sparked protests by the ayatollahs and clerics as well.
CIA head says Cheney almost 'wishing' US be attacked CIA Director Leon Panetta says former Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney's criticism of the Obama administration's approach to terrorism almost suggests "he's wishing that this country would be attacked again, in order to make his point." Panetta told The New Yorker for an article in its June 22 issue that Cheney "smells some blood in the water" on the issue of national security.
Last week's poll had asked:
Should the U.S. Supreme Court allow Chrysler to sell assets to Fiat? There was a tie in the answers by the readers: Yes and no. This week's poll is now up.

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