Monday, June 01, 2009

SPB News for Monday

'Octomom' and 14 kids to get reality TV show

17,000 US troops in Afghanistan by mid-July The bulk of the extra 17,000 US troops will be deployed in Afghanistan by mid-July as Washington strives to tighten its grip on the region. "10,000 marines are beginning to arrive now and will continue to arrive for the next month and a half or so and they will be principally located in Helmand but also in Farah," Colonel Greg Julian, spokesman for US forces told Reuters on Sunday.

NY synagogues to craft and submit security plan to U.S. Department of Homeland Security --Synagogues to receive homeland security funding Governor David Paterson Sunday announced that Riverdale Temple and Riverdale Jewish Center will each receive a $25,000 grant to upgrade their security systems. The New York State Office of Homeland Security will work with these synagogues to craft and submit a security plan to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Paterson also sent a letter to Congress, requesting an increase in homeland security funding for not-for-profits, including synagogues.

Israel 'will not bow' to US settlement freeze call Israel will not agree to US demands to freeze all settlement activity in the occupied West Bank, a minister close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. "I want to say in a crystal clear manner that the current Israeli government will not accept in any fashion that legal settlement activity in Judea and Samaria be frozen," said Transport Minister Yisrael Katz, using the Israeli term for the West Bank. "The government will defend the vital interests of the state of Israel," he told army radio.
Last week's poll had asked:
If Guantanamo prison is closed by President Obama in 2010, What should the U.S. do with Guantanamo inmates? Majority of readers answered house inmates and hold trials in U.S. prisons in U.S. This week's poll is now up.

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