Monday, June 22, 2009

Senate committee rejected legislation that would allow the state to accept $98 million of federal stimulus money or unemployment.

Voting to defer legislation that would allow Louisiana stimulus money for unemployment benefits (4): Sens. Sherri Cheek, R-Keithville; Danny Martiny, R-Metairie; Mike Walsworth, R-West Monroe; and Neil Riser, R-Columbia.

Voting against the motion to defer HB841 (2): Sens. Ed Murray, D-New Orleans; and Francis Thompson, D-Delhi.

Click here: House Bill 841 on June 21 2009

A state Senate committee rejected legislation Sunday night that would allow the state to accept $98 million in federal unemployment dollars.

The Senate Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations voted 4-2 in favor of deferring House Bill 841.

With less than five days left in the legislative session, the bill likely is dead.
The committee acted on the legislation as a handful of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s aides looked on.

The legislation sparked controversy after the House amended the bill to accept federal stimulus money that Jindal wants to reject.

Some lawmakers in the House complained that state Rep. Avon Honey, D-Baton Rouge, “snuck” the amendment onto the bill.

Honey told the Senate committee Sunday that he is “trying to assist the working poor.”

Tim Barfield, executive director of the Louisiana Workforce Commission, the agency that once was called the state Department of Labor, said accepting the money could raise taxes for businesses.

“It’s the employers who pay these taxes,” he said.

The $98 million is designed to encourage states to modernize the way unemployment benefits eligibility is calculated.

Louisiana excludes the most recent three to six months of employment in determining eligibility for benefits.

The federal government wants states to eliminate some of that lag time, a change that would help roughly 4,000 people in Louisiana.
Jindal contends the change would lead to higher taxes for businesses.

Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The people voted for these Law Makers . Everyone knew Republicans wouldn't help the taxpayers so Obama reached out. Now as the citizens of Louisiana continue to stuffer Gov. Jindal will say it's Obama's fault. Notice how Bobby and Family took their vacation and more citizens have lost jobs and homes. This is an example of why Bush/Cheney got two terms as people are clue less and can be led by the nose right off a clip.