Thursday, June 04, 2009

SC Guv.Sanford’s Priorities: Nix School Funding And Reform, Allow Guns At School


Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC) has been waging a months-long war against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, refusing to apply for $700 million in federal stimulus funds, most of which would go to improving South Carolina’s failing schools.

Yet denying his state needed stimulus funds is just the start of Sanford’s recent highly partisan moves. Yesterday, ThinkProgress reported that Sanford had refused to join a national school reform effort to set curriculum standards. Sanford claimed that he refused to sign on because the “governor does not have a role in implementing education policy.”

Now the governor has taken action on two bills that show where his priorities really lie: He vetoed a bill reigning in predatory payday lending, and signed a bill allowing loaded guns on school grounds.

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