Saturday, June 06, 2009

Presidential Library clash could put George W. Bush under oath


DALLAS (AP) — A Texan is trying to put a former president under oath and find out what he knew and when he knew it. But the issue isn't national security, political skullduggery or a sex scandal.

It's a property dispute involving George W. Bush's presidential library at Southern Methodist University.

Gary Vodicka, who was forced out of his condominium by SMU to make way for the project, contends the university coveted the property as the future site of the library even before Bush ran for the White House, and lied about its intentions.
On April 17, a Texas district judge ordered the former president to appear at a deposition to answer Vodicka's questions about the library's planning stages.

"I was humbled by the ruling," said Vodicka, 49, a lawyer who is representing himself in the case against SMU. "No one person is supposed to be above the law. And Bush is trying to act like he is."

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

Do you think an "oath" matters to HIM? LOL Me thinks not, as he took one to uphold the Constitution too...