Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Wednesday.

Frank Gaffney claims Obama ‘may actually still be’ a Muslim.
Yesterday in his Washington Times column, right-wing commentator Frank Gaffney reviews President Obama’s speech at Cairo University last week and thinks he has stumbled onto something, that “there is mounting evidence that the president not only identifies with Muslims, but actually may still be one himself.” The evidence? “Mr. Obama referred four times in his speech to ‘the Holy Koran,’” he “established his firsthand knowledge of Islam,” and he uttered the phrase “peace be upon them” when referring to Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed. And according to Gaffney, “no believing Christian” would ever make such a statement because “for Christians, Jesus is the living and immortal Son of God.” Gaffney also throws in a Munich analogy:
The man now happy to have his Islamic-rooted middle name featured prominently has engaged in the most consequential bait-and-switch since Adolf Hitler duped Neville Chamberlain over Czechoslovakia at Munich.
The Wonk Room’s Matt Duss notes that not only does Gaffney enjoy invoking the Munich analogy, particularly in places where it doesn’t make any sense (such as this case and others), but he also isn’t to be taken seriously “as an analyst.” But, “as someone willing to cast deeply irresponsible and transparently bigoted accusations against the president,” Duss argues, “he should be taken very seriously.”

Bill O'Reilly attacks liberals over Dr. Tiller yet again
Bill O'Reilly is seething that he's been put in the spotlight over his behavior towards the late Dr. Tiller. Here's his latest rant against liberals over the death of the doctor. He's still using the
tragic murder of Pvt. Long to his own advantage. Wow, have you no decency, sir? I don't see anti-war groups sending Mr. Mohammad thank you notes in jail like Scott Roeder is receiving from the anti-choice crowd..
He told CNN he is "feeling good," and getting encouraging letters from people around the country, many of whom he does not know. But he complained about conditions in the jail, saying he doesn't like being in solitary confinement and that the jail is "freezing."
Roeder's former roommate, Eddie Ebecher, has told CNN Roeder was "obsessed" with Tiller and in the past had debated whether to kill him. Associates have told CNN that Roeder was a regular among the protesters that routinely gathered at Tiller's clinic.
Palin: The less money Alaska has, the better.
During a recent interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) once again criticized President Obama for “spreading the wealth” while at the same time boasting that Alaska spreads its own wealth. “We have a share of our oil resource revenue goes back to the people who own the resources. Imagine that,” she said. But somewhat shockingly, later in the interview (and in a part that did not air on Hannity’s program last night) Palin actually said that she would rather have Alaska pull in less money in oil revenues that more:
HANNITY: The price of oil is going up again. It’s not quite at $140 a barrel, but it’s certainly on its way up to $70 and $80.
PALIN: Yeah, well and I thank God it’s not at $140. You know people say, “Hey, Alaska! Eight-five percent of your state budget is based on the price of a barrel of oil. Aren’t you glad the price is going up?” I say, “No!” The fewer dollars that the state of Alaska government has, the fewer dollars we spend. And that’s good for our families and for the private sector.


Anonymous said...

Palin...a twit. She needs to enjoy her last term as Governor, she is only hurting herself by talking. Glad I didn't see the Weasel drooling all over her.

Falafel King...hateful, obnoxious, angry, self rightous,....I guess he fits in real well with the GOP. He just spreads the hate over the airwaves.

SP Biloxi said...

Relax, Third. At least, Hannity is not your boyfriend. Insannity does what he thinks he does best: spew crapola, talk smack about the Dems and Obama,and smooches up to Gerbil Administration, Boss Limbaugh, Palin, the Party of No, and other wingnuts. Ship Hannity and the wingnuts to Planet Wingnuttia with a one way ticket.

Anonymous said...

What scares me is the ratings on Faux Noise Nutwork are so high, so that means there are a lot more crazed GOPs that are hanging on every word and getting all riled up when these blowhards pollute the airways. And the GOPs love thier guns which makes it worse.