Thursday, June 25, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

Dana Rohrbacher Blames President Obama for Making the Unrest Worse in Iran
From the Ed Schultz Show, while espousing the virtues of St. Ronald Reagan, Dana Rohrbacher blames President Obama for making the unrest in Iran worse, and claims if he's used harsher rhetoric sooner, maybe some lives would have been saved. Ed gets his back up over the statement about President Obama, but lets the Reagan talk slide. Is it too much to ask that Ed Shultz call one of these guys out when they start telling
fairy tales about Ronald Reagan or ask them a few questions about Iran-Contra?

Last week Rohrbacher called President Obama a "cream puff". Our own Jon Perr has more on that at Perrspectives: Ronald Reagan, Cream Puff.

Wingnut Elisabeth Hasselbeck Accused Of Plagiarism
Now, an author has accused wingnut Elisabeth Hasselbeck of
lifting her content "word for word" in her new book:

BOSTON – The author of a health book has sued Elisabeth Hasselbeck, accusing the co-host of ABC's "The View" of plagiarism.

The lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that Hasselbeck lifted "word for word" content from a book written by Susan Hassett, a self-published author on Cape Cod.

Hassett said in the lawsuit that she sent Hasselbeck a personal note and copy of her "Living With Celiac Disease" book as a courtesy after the television celebrity disclosed she had the illness last year.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

411 on Elizabeth she needs the money as her husband isn't making much money now. She is having another child and her life style will have to change if she doesn't get money quick. She had hoped McCain/Palin would have won because she could have been included in getting some of the stolen taxpayers money. We know Liz wont get an invite to the White House even if she cries again like she did the last time. Plus with her Republican Party she has to keep her children protected for those male Pro Life protester as she knows some are child molesters.