Thursday, June 18, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

If you happened to see Bill O'Reilly wanking ever onward Monday night in recapping his confrontation with Joan Walsh on Friday, you probably got the same low mordant chuckle out of his self-serving edit of the interview. After all, it gave him a chance to repeat three more times his leading "When did you stop beating your wife?" question.
But as we noted at the time, Walsh at critical junctures of the exchange handed O'Reilly his lunch -- especially when she zeroed in on his irresponsible, violent and often eliminationist rhetoric directed at the objects of his ire, and his refusal to man up to the predictable (and now manifest) consequences of that.
Indeed, O'Reilly (as usual) edited the video to make him look triumphant against the hapless liberal. But in reality, Walsh seriously called him out at key moments and kicked his butt -- especially at the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the actual interview where the Falafel guy ranted/raved and foamed at the mouth and did not let her get a word in edge wise, but Walsh continued to talk calmly and rationaly while he was on his out of control hissy fit.

Falafel looked bad, she did a good job making him look like a big bully and so he did this edit thing to make himself feel better.

He has no interview skills, he has no intention of having any "fair and balanced" show, all he wants to do is blow hot air....oh ya, be a blowhard.