Thursday, June 04, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

Limbaugh says he may be able to support Sotomayor because she's Catholic...HAHAHAHA
Earlier today, Rush Limbaugh said that he
wasn't backtracking on calling Sonia Sotomayor a racist like Gingrich did, but now he's saying that he might possibly support her because he likes Catholics and she may like "life" or some nonsense. Now all the rats are running for cover from their racist rants against Sonia.I imagine some GOP internal polls came out saying that Gingrich and Buchanan and Limbaugh were going too far in their attacks on Judge Sonia Sotomayor as a "racist" and they are all pulling back.
Limbaugh:You know she would be the sixth Catholic on the Supreme Court and there are a lot of people worried about that, that does not bother me at all. I know a lot of Catholics and I love Catholics, but Sotomayor is a Catholic and she doesn't have a clear record on abortion and I'm, youuuu....overturning Roe vs Wade, that would be huge. I don't know if it will ever happen. I can see a possibility of supporting this nomination if I could be convinced if she does have a sensibility towards life.
Eek, A Muslim! Once Again, Wingnuts Miss The Empathy Point
Oh, the Beltway bobbleheads and wingnuts have their panties in a twist again over Obama's claiming the U.S. is "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." (We rank around 35th out of 150 countries.) Okay, it's an exaggeration but not a fabrication. It's meant to show we have something in common. Empathy, remember?) Andrew Sullivan gets the difference:
I take the point, but I also see the deeper point Obama was making. America is not alien to Islam; many Muslims live here as proud and productive Americans. Saying that helps chip away at stereotypes about America that hurt us and empower Islamists.
That doesn't stop Michael Goldfarb at the Weekly Standard from falling into a faux panic at Obama's use of the word "shukran" and pursuing yet another
wingnut conspiracy theory:
Obama has said before that he speaks "
barely passable Spanish" and "a smattering of Swahili," as well as some Bahasa from his youth in Indonesia. But Obama has at other times denied speaking a foreign language, saying in July of last year, "I don't speak a foreign language. It's embarrassing!" And even today, Michelle Obama is delivering the commencement address at Washington Math, Science, Technology Public Charter School, where Mark Knoller reports that she implored graduates to learn a language, and that both she and the president "regret they never learned another language."
It seems there is some legitimate confusion on just what languages Obama speaks, and as far as Arabic, the only real hint has came from Nick Kristof, who heard Obama recite the Muslim call to prayer in Arabic and with a "
first-rate accent" back in 2007. With even the White House now smearing Obama as a Muslim, one wonders if the president hasn't been concealing some greater fluency with the language of the Koran.

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