Sunday, June 07, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Sunday.

On Friday, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, and Oliver North visited Rock Church in Hampton Roads, Virginia to give a three-hour long lecture on “Rediscovering God in America.” The speakers warned the audience about the “continuing availability of abortion, the spread of gay rights, and attempts to remove religion from American public life and school history books.” The Virginia-Pilot reported that Gingrich argued that, while Christianity is the foundation of American citizenship, Americans are experiencing a period where they are being “surrounded by paganism”:
GINGRICH: I am not a citizen of the world. I am a citizen of the United States because only in the United States does citizenship start with our creator. [...] I think this is one of the most critical moments in American history. We are living in a period where we are surrounded by paganism.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, if kids weren't getting dumber because of NCLB, schools could have bigger, thicker history books that have more information (including religion), and more content for kids to read. Instead, education is only about what is on the test so if there are no questions about religion on the NCLB tests that the Gerbil is responsible for, then that gets cut as a subject. Too many parents don't believe in homework anymore so the teachers cannot assign it. That really limits how much kids get to learn.

Too bad Newt is too stupid to realize that.