Saturday, June 13, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Saturday.

NOW Liz Cheney Thinks We Should Be Careful About Using Words Like Terrorism
Liz Cheney appeared on Larry King Live with James Carville and when asked about the tragic shooting at the Holocaust Museum, she suddenly has a problem with calling this type of violence terrorism. Now we need to be "careful" with our words.

And of course Cheney thinks this has nothing to do with our political discourse either. Heaven forbid she'd allow any of the blame for whipping up the crazies in this country to be laid at the feet of her buddies over at Fox News.

Fox News poll: ‘Do you think Obama is still sneaking cigarettes at the White House?’
Huffington Post’s Sam Stein highlighted an eye-catching question in the Fox News poll that was released yesterday. Noting that President Obama “says he quit smoking,” Fox’s poll asked whether people believed he was “still sneaking cigarettes.” Thirty-seven percent said that they did:

As ThinkProgress has previously noted, Fox News polls are known for often including a few loaded and misleading questions. In May, a Fox poll asked, “Who do you think the White House will put in a muzzle first — Vice President Joe Biden or First Dog Bo?”


Anonymous said...

On Liz Cheney, they critized Obama for not using the word terrorist when he was on his middle East visit speaking, now they don't want the word used when it involves a big GOP supporter. The party of the hippocrits.

On Obama smoking, so what!

At least he is doing his job. Just look how many days both Bush's took off during thier presidency. Outrageous, as if HW did not take a lot of time off, and the Gerbil barely worked ok in all fairness, he had a supreme leader in place to run the Country.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Biden would win the muzzle 'contest.'