Monday, June 08, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Monday

Fox's panel of Sunday talkers trash Sotomayor by again taking 'wise Latina' remark out of context
Well, at least Charles Krauthammer didn't call Sonia Sotmayor a racist on
Fox News Sunday. He just argued that she's basically a Latina supremacist:
KRAUTHAMMER: It’s a big deal because it tells you it was not a slip. It is who she is and who she thinks she is.
And the reason it’s disturbing is because Obama -- the premise of Obama’s candidacy was always that he was the post-racial American. And here he is appointing as his first truly important appointment a person who can only be called pre-racial.
He gave a speech in which he emerged on the world stage and said, “We’re not black America, white America, we’re not Hispanic America, Asian America. We are the United States of America.” And she says as a wise Latina, she has physiological, cultural endowments which make her superior to a white judge.
The real issue here is she’s going to end up on the court, but we can’t have a national debate about this issue. The civil rights movement abolished the idea of a superior race or class or ethnicity in America.
Are we going to have a person like her who believes that some ethnicities are endowed with a superior endowment and superior judgment and superior entitlements as a result of race?

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