Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Open thread for Tuesday.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

What would you do? A detainee was tortured 83 times even when the CIA knew he didn't have any involvement in Al Queada yet his name was used by Dick Cheney with lies. Proof is in the documents yet no one really cares. What would you do if that happen in a Foreign country to you? Would you do as Republicans say just get over it and be grateful we allowed you to live and we will release you. As for any crimes well we the US can do torture but other countries can't. We can sue for criminal treatment from another country but no one can do that to the US. Evil runs deep in the US and it's sad to say we will pay greatly for these crimes in the future. Reading the facts of the torture released by the White House against the detainee is heart breaking and pure evil. This action does not represent the USA and we should all be ashame of the actions by the Bush Administration.