Thursday, June 04, 2009

Obama’s Speech in Cairo: A New Beginning

A what a speech it was...

Watch or read the President’s speech in Cairo on America’s relationship with Muslim communities around the world. Read the
transcript. Also, in case you missed it, watch a short video posted yesterday with a few stories of Muslim Americans who are proudly serving their nation in the federal government.

White House provided photos of the event. Click here.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I was so proud of Obama and I even learned alot. I didn't know about President John Adams but I did know about Jefferson. I wrote our President about my confussion of why Israel has 150 Nuclear Weapons while denying Iran. I loved when he said no country to dictate to another. How leaders say one thing to get in office and then change. I liked the fact he respected the Palestine choice of Hamas. Obama has read the Bible, Holy Koren and the Toria and understood Abraham is the Father of Palestine/Israel by way of his two sons. Education always help when leading and Obama is well educated. He no only gave a great speech but educated millions along the way.

Now the joke of the day is Fox News said Bush have the same speech. Bush doesn't even know the countries of the World let alone give an educated speech. Rush is so upset he's eating again. Boehner/Cantor/Bachmann were completely clueless and the speech was over their heads. I look forward to seeing World Peace as God let me see the first African American President. I'm glad our President now represents all the American People.