Monday, June 15, 2009

Note to Palin: David Letterman does not report to President Obama

Written by Biloxi

There is still a brewing feud over David Letterman's joke on Governor Sarah Palin's daughter by the Palin family. I did hear Letterman's joke on You Tube and clearly the joke of Palin's daughter being knocked up by Alex Rodriguez [aka A-Rod] was not about Palin's 14 year old daughter, Willow. For one thing, Willow's name was not mention in the joke. And the only daughter that was pregnant was Palin's now 18 year old daughter Bristol. Did Sarah Palin and her husband Todd had a crystal ball that assume that Letterman's joke was aiming at Willow? And now Sarah and Todd accuse Letterman of making a joke of "raping" their 14 year old daughter? Where did that come from? Remember Sarah and Todd have three daughter. And there is no mention of their 7 year old daughter, Piper.

Call it what ever you want: a bad joke in poor taste or a good joke. Letterman has been known for years of making joke on anyone that is the talk in the media and on the streets. I notice that Eliot Spitzer, Martha Stewart, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Paris Hilton [for her sex tapes] and so on did not sue nor or go on the media frenzy to condemn Letterman on his jokes. I can understand that the Palin family did not like Letterman's joke about their daughter. But, notice Alex Rodriguez didn't complain about Letterman's joke since he was the butt of the joke. The more that Sarah Palin makes Letterman's joke the talk of the media, the more political that Sarah Palin is using this as a tool to get back in to the spotlight. And certainly Letterman show is for entertainment and for political agenda or tool.

Now there is a petition going around to want Letterman fired from his show. That will never happen. Yet, Rush Limbaugh is still on the air. The same man who called then Presidential candidate Barack Obama: "Barack the Magic Negro," made constant statements that he hope President Obama to fail in his Presidency, and criticize and called Obama's Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a racist. No rally or pitchforks to have Rush Limbaugh's head on a platter for his racist remarks.

Finally, Rush Limbaugh made fun of a 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton for no other reason than that she was the president's daughter. I don't recall the Clintons taking to the airwaves over Rush's comments.

David Letterman is a comedian. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska. And Palin should be concentrating on her own scandals in her state as well as fixing Alaska budget than worrying about a comedian's joke. We all had our laughs when Palin foolishly went on Saturday Night Live and became the joke on the show and when comedian and actress Tina Fey portrayed Sarah Palin herself in some of the skits on the show during the Presidential election race. I guess Sarah Palin can't tell the difference between TV and reality.


Anonymous said...

The right wing has really fallen off the deep end since Obama got in office. The GOP used to be the gun toting, bible thumping, conferderate flag flying bunch.
Now they are the nut bunch, extremists, irrational, angry, spiteful, hateful. They need to calm down and re-group, and get rational, or they will be like the wooley mamouths.

airJackie said...

Yes SPB sister Sarah needs attention because in the AP Poll she got 4 votes as Leader of the Republican Party out of 250,000 Republicans questioned. Now Letterman is known for his humor and you either like it or turn the channel. Sarah would be wise to drop the topic as we're forced to remember Todd's drinking, Sarah affair, fake bady story, son's choice of jail or Military and Bristol's alcoholic problems/pre sex life/two sons/Levi's story and who knows what else we'll learn if she keeps talking. Right now Bristol has a new boyfriend living in the Palin house and as things go there might be another baby soon. I will sell her family for Politics and Todd is back to drinking. Don't blame Letterman for the Palin Family problems. As Sarah let slip she almost or did get an abortion as a teenager herself as see admitted she had to marry Todd as she was already with child. Let's hope none of the professors who slept with Sarah so she could get her degree decided to write a tell all book for money.

Anonymous said...


Palin's life sounds almost as screwed up as McCains.

Maybe that's why he picked her?

And speaking of a really screwed up past Presidential GOP candidate, where is the old drag queen Rudia?