Sunday, June 07, 2009

Islamic Centre president about Obama's Cairo speech: Historical

New Delhi (IANS) Sirajuddin Qureshi, president of the India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC), on Saturday described US President Barrack Obama's Cairo speech as "historical" and hoped that Muslims will judge him by actions more than words.

"It was a truly historical and very clear, but people will believe him when words will be translated into action. Obama's consent to Iranian peaceful nuclear ambition was a courageous step forward in right direction," said Mr. Qureshi when a delegation from US Embassy handed over the copy of the president's speech. Larry Schwartz of the Councillor Public Affairs Office led the delegation.
Mr. Qureshi said the speech reflected an attempt on Obama's part to leave the past behind and move ahead in partnership with the Muslim world.
Read on.

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