Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Far right feels betrayed and outraged by Dick’s ‘backhanded pro-gay approach.’


In a speech last week, Vice President Cheney gave some of his strongest comments yet in favor of same-sex marriage, saying that “people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish.” The right wing is now furious at Cheney. Washington-area pastor Bishop Harry Jackson is a “point man” for far right causes and a “star” of its efforts to “elevate the visibility and voices of politically conservative African American pastors.” In an interview with OneNewsNow, Jackson said that he is “outraged” by Cheney’s remarks:

Jackson, a Washington-area pastor and chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, says ironically, at the same time President Bush “lost steam” on the marriage issue in 2006, Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary was talking openly with the media regarding her lesbian lifestyle.

“I believe that Cheney’s own ambivalence that has now manifested itself into what seems like a backhanded pro-gay approach was one of the things that kept the President [Bush] from going forward,” he contends. “So, I’m outraged that we’ve been promised things by the GOP — specifically by the president — that haven’t really come into fruition.


Anonymous said...

Yep, Cheney who has his daughter on the GOP rah rah team to get gays into the GOP has to say something like that.

Also I heard the latest GOP fund raiser made less funds the other day than it has in 5 years. Hmm.

airJackie said...

Yes it's the love of his daughter that allows Dick to support Gay Rights. If his daughter weren't Gay he would join his Party. That's what has happen with racism over the years too. As people of different races fall in love the older group look at the children. President Obama spoke of his GrandMother and how raised in a racist State formed her view until she had a grandchild of color who she loved. I read about a Christian couple who had one son they loved. He left home for college and never came back. He knew he was gay and they hated gays. He later was dying and his partner called his parents. They looked pass him being gay because they loved him as he died. They made it their live mission to support gay rights and accepted his partner in their family. The Mother said she wished he had told them because they wasted so much time. Love is strange and powerful. Dick is pure evil but the only part of love left is with his daughter. He also see's those speaking God's name and carrying the Bible are killing doctors, so are they really Pro-Life and against Gay Rights?

Anonymous said...

Jackie, the GOP loves gun rights and is pro NRA. They also love capital punishment.

They are against abortion but...if an aborted child has many genectic problems, they are against welfare and supporting people who have high bills due to medical expenses and people who can't work because they have to take care of a child with genetic issues.

They are against abortion even for a life threatening situation for the mother, but who is to take care of the children this mother leaves behind?

The GOP must think that everyone is born perfect, and women never have a life threatening pregancy.

Yes, they carry their bibles and pack heat. That's the GOP. I wonder if their answer to abortion is to shoot these babies with genetic problems once they are born, or electricute them by capital punishment?