Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ex-Bushie officials living large: Bush could earn $17,000 a page for book

That’s the sound of Bush administration officials cashing in on their “experiences” in book deals. While unemployment skyrockets around the US, top former officials are raking in millions in profits — before their books have even been penned.

Chief among them is President Bush, whose proposed memoir has fetched $7 million from Crown, a subsidiary of Bertelsmann AG. (Crown also published President Barack Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope.”) If his book is 400 pages long, that means he’s raking in more than $17,500 per page.

The second-sweetest deal appears to have been inked by erstwhile First Lady Laura Bush, whose book was purportedly sold for somewhere between $3.5 and $5 million (if her book is 400 pages, that’ll be just shy of $8,750 per page at a minimum).

Next up: ex-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Rice has a three-book deal with Crown for $2.5 million, a nice chunk of change at $833,333 per book.
Read on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I shudder to think what the Falafel King makes on his books.

Oh bye the way did you see the Weasel's new sign on his show it's a red white and blue like interstate sign with the Weasels name on it. Like he thinks he thinks all American or something....sigh still a Weasel