Sunday, June 21, 2009

Deputy US marshal whom Fitz and Grant testified against was convicted of leaking secrets of federal investigation to mob

CHICAGO — A deputy U.S. marshal was convicted Tuesday of violating the secrecy of the federal government's witness protection program by leaking information about a key witness cooperating in a Chicago mob investigation.
Deputy marshal John T. Ambrose, 42, stared straight ahead as jurors returned the verdict after almost three days of deliberation. He was acquitted of two charges of lying to federal agents, and sentencing was set for Sept. 9.

Defense attorney Francis C. Lipuma promised an appeal. "This is far from over, we're going to keep up the good fight," the attorney said.


Witnesses including U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald and the head of the FBI's Chicago office, Robert D. Grant, testified that when they confronted Ambrose with evidence he had leaked witness security information he admitted doing so.

Read on.


airJackie said...

Now when honest people testify this is the results. Well I take that back this happens when there's not a corrupt Judge.

PrissyPatriot said...

Interesting, yes an uncorrupted judge always helps. Hey Grant is a cutie (not that I noticed;)