Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wiretap: Burris talked donation and Obama's Senate seat with Blago's brother

In plain English, Burris lied... Burris never had mentioned that conversation with Blago's brother in any of his sworn statements or affidavits to the Illinois House Impeachment Committee, which works heavily against him. Yup, Burris wanted Obama's Senate seat as bad as I want a ham sandwich. ;)

Here is the transcript of a recorded phone conversation between Roland Burris and Rob Blagojevich, brother of then- Gov. Rod Blagojevich, on Nov. 13, 2008. The transcript was released Tuesday:

ROLAND BURRIS (Clears throat): Burris speaking.

ROB BLAGOJEVICH: Hello Roland, this is Rob Blagojevich again. How are you?

BURRIS: I'm doing fine, I'm doing fine. What's ... (chuckles) what's going on? I was just discussing you yesterday.

BLAGOJEVICH (chuckles) Oh, were you. Now this is the governor's brother, not ...

BURRIS: Alright.

BLAGOJEVICH: not the governor.

BURRIS: I, I know you're calling telling me that you're gonna make me king of the world,

and uh ...


BURRIS: ... and therefore I can go off to, you know, wherever and do all these great things (unintelligible)

BLAGOJEVICH: Well, let me tell ya, one thing I am not is a bullshitter.

BURRIS: (chuckles)

BLAGOJEVICH: So I will just shoot straight with you.

BURRIS: (chuckles) Okay.

BLAGOJEVICH: And manage expectations. Now I may be, I may be a little bit different than other family members, but I'm not a bullshitter.

BURRIS: Okay Rob. 'Cause I've been, I've been trying to figure out what the heck, you know, I can do. Go ahead.

BLAGOJEVICH: Well, I'm just following up.


BLAGOJEVICH: We've had a number of conversations about, you know, anything you might be able to do; you and Fred might be able to do here before the end of the year for Rod. Again, we're trying to get as much as we can in his war chest, ah, so that when he has to, you know disclose in January ...

Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Just keep those checks coming to A-Rod and yes the prize was the Senate Seat. No yes Roland will forget everything he said and even lie when necessary but the truth is out there for all the hear. Next Roland will use the Race Card and then he'll take us back to the Civil Rights Days. All that is getting old and Roland just needs to hang it up and retire.