Thursday, May 14, 2009

White House called Jeane Palfrey's attorney about ABC’s 20/20 report on Palfrey's phone records.

The plot thickens... Jeane Palfrey's former criminal and civil attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley exposes this shocking news. This is not a surprise to me. But, then again, there is alot more to Jeane's case that meets the eye.

(h/t to Amo Probos)

Among the many twists and turns in Jeane’s case was the day the White House called me . . .

Then on May 1, 2007, at 1:07 p.m., the White House called me. I have always taken the precaution of not having my direct telephone line made public so that anyone who wants to call me has to leave a message. This is the message I received from
Emmet Flood of the White House Counsel’s Office asking me to call him.

I did. Emmet asked me if any White House officials were on the list. Though I knew there was one, I had promised Brian not to reveal anything so I said I didn’t know for sure. I then asked for White House review of Jeane’s prosecution by the Department of Justice. Always professional, Emmet would not commit either way.

In the May 4th 20/20 Report, Brian would state: “There were no members of Congress that we could find in these phone records, no White House officials.”

Ultimately and curiously, as further detailed in
Why Just Her, the Washington Post would report on May 5, 2007, the day after the ABC’s 20/20 report: “Deputy national security advisor J.D. Crouch II, who helped spearhead the recent policy review that led President Bush to send more U.S. troops to Iraq, announced yesterday that he will step down early next month, becoming the latest key aide to depart the White House at a critical juncture. . . . In an interview, Crouch said he is leaving to devote more time to his family after six years in the administration.”

On Sibley's website, you can listen to the message left by Emmet Flood to Sibley. Click here.

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