Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ventura’s straight talk: Bush is the worst President in my lifetime.

Also, Ventura said that Cheney is a coward.

Crooks and Liars:

On Larry King Live Jesse Ventura takes on the Bush administration chickenhawks and Rush Limbaugh, and defends Colin Powell. After being waterboarded himself in the SERE program, Ventura makes no bones about it. Waterboarding is torture. I'd like to see Hannity have Ventura on his show to debate the issue.

King's reaction to Ventura's straight talk on how terrible of a President W was is amusing. He's shocked...just shocked I tell you, that anyone would talk so badly about our former President.

KING: Joining us now, Jesse Ventura, former wrestler, former governor of Minnesota, former Navy SEAL, the author of "Don't Start The Revolution Without Me." That book is now out in paper back. Welcome to have you back, Jesse. There you see the cover of the book. How's Obama doing?

JESSE VENTURA, FMR. GOV. OF MINNESOTA: Too early to tell, Larry, really. In my opinion, George Bush is the worst president in my lifetime.

KING: Have an opinion, will you?

VENTURA: I will. I will. And he's the worst president in my lifetime. So Barack Obama, President Obama inherited something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. You know? Two wars, an economy that's borderline depression. So it's far too early to judge him 100 days in. I think if you have me back about two years from now, I can give you a much better of how he's doing.
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Anonymous said...

True, and wait until the Falafel Factor comes on, or the Weasel Insanity show, they will certainly make more of this.

And I know some really old people in the neighborhood and my church who will agree with Jesse.

When many reputable reporters are asked what was the good the W years brought, what did W accomplish....one had the best answer....."He proved anyone can be President"

airJackie said...

The Truth at last. History will not be kind as GW will have his place among the worse not only in the US but in the World. History of Evil Dictators and Leaders seem to always be remembered. The Bush Family will never recover and for generations to come that name will stand for the worse of the United States. Just think how well Prescott Bush's evil deeds were hidden as he plotted to assasssinate FDR and of course Daddy Bush's involvement in the Contra Affair and the Bay of Pigs. All that and it took the drug/alcoholic son GW to put the Bush name were it belongs.

Cheney will be seen as pure Evil and the closest thing to Satan we're seen in many a year. More will be written about his years of suffering and how he ended up living torture as he gave out. It alwasy amazes me how God handles things you could never think of.

PrissyPatriot said...

TGCN how true, how true lol