Friday, May 15, 2009

TPR EXCLUSIVE: Detailed Descriptions of Prisoner Abuse Photos Obama is Withholding

Written by Jason Leopold

U.S. Army soldiers in Afghanistan took dozens of pictures of their colleagues pointing assault rifles and pistols at the heads and backs of hooded and bound detainees and another photograph showed two male soldiers and one female solider pointing a broom to one detainee “as if I was sticking the end of a broom stick into [his] rectum,” according to the female soldier’s account as told to an Army criminal investigator.President Barack Obama said Wednesday he would not release these photographs, reversing a promise he made a month ago, fearing it would stoke anti-American sentiment and endanger U.S. troops.

I found the documents that describes the photographs on the website of the American Civil Liberties Union.

The ACLU obtained the files, but not the photographs, in 2005 as part of the organization’s wide-ranging Freedom of information Act lawsuit against the federal government related to the Bush administration’s treatment of “war on terror” prisoners in U.S. custody.

About 31 digital photographs contained on a compact disc discovered in June 2004 during an office clean-up at Bagram Airfield also depicted the corpse of “local national” who died from “apparent gunshot wounds” and uniformed U.S. soldiers from the Second Platoon of the 22nd Infantry Battalion stationed at Fire Base Tycze and Dae Rah Wod (DRW) kicking and punching prisoners whose heads were covered with “sand bags” and blindfolds and hands were “zipped-tied,” according to a U.S. Army criminal investigation.

The documents related to that investigation can be found in these five separate files: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5].

The soldiers said they intended to keep the prisoner abuse photographs as “mementos” to recall their deployment in Afghanistan, according to an Army criminal investigation.

Read on.
Update: Here is a photo that were leaked. Warning: Very graphic.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I saw the photos and it remind of of the photos I saw at the Holocaust, Slavery and Indian musums. No human could do this to another human with being depraved. Obama might want to save Americans for seeing what we've done but other countries involved will. We'll learn the real secrets of Gitmo. We now know 17 Chinese uighurs were held and tortured for secret information about China. One man released was kidnapped in Bosina and held for 8 years and tortured for information about Russia, which he didn't know anything. The Media/Press held the Bush Administration spread lies about capturing Al Qeada terrortist. It was a front for others to be kidnapped and tortured to learn about other countries secrets.
When Americans ask whay things are so bad we can understand nothing good comes to those who do Evil.