Friday, May 08, 2009

Tough times on Star Trek enterprise; Open thread.


airJackie said...

I saw a video clip of Obama during his campigan. Yes he love Star Trek as he said to the crowd. Now he can watch the movie in the White House and say Beam me up Scotty. President Obama said he can relate to Spock.

Anonymous said...

Oh, if anyone is not too burned out on the old fart Drew Peterson, they took him away to jail today. We can only hope he stays there, I am so tired of that old fart promoting himself after he killed one, and most likely two wives.

As if we don't have enough embarrasement in this state, they got him before he started a reality TV show on the old fart running a cat house in Vegas (isn't that what he was trying to do here?)

KittyBowTie1 said...

Cats deserve better than Peterson, even the kind who are hookers.

Breaking news, Carpetbagger Alan Keyes arrestedEnjoy!

Anonymous said...

Love it Kitty, thanks for sharing the Alan Keyes moment!