Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Torture hearing: What did we learn?


· Perhaps the main piece of news came when Philip Zelikow, the former top State Department lawyer, revealed that the memo he wrote offering an alternative view on the legality of torture -- which he says the Bush White House tried to destroy -- has been located, and is being reviewed for declassification. The memo figures to be a hot item when released.

· Ali Soufan, the former FBI interrogator who testified behind a screen for security reasons, made a point that seems to undercut the argument of torture supporters that waterboarding has been shown to work. They cite the interrogations of Khlaid Sheikh Mohamed and Joe Padilla as having used "enhanced interrogation techniques" to produce actionable intelligence. But Soufan pointed out that torture wasn't approved until August 1, 2002, after those interrogations took place.

· Soufan also described in detail the process of interrogating Abu Zubaydah, which he was involved in. He said that when he and CIA officers used legal techniques, they quickly learned valuable information, including that KSM masterminded the 9/11 attacks. But when a contractor came in and started torturing Zubaydah, he quickly clammed up. Overall, said Soufan, the use of torture was "harmful to our efforts to defeat al-Qaeda."

· As for Sheldon Whitehouse, the Rhode Island Democratic senator chairing the hearing, he decried the Bush administration's lies about how the torture program was approved:
We were told that waterboarding was determined to be legal, but were not told how badly the law was ignored, bastardized and manipulated by the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel nor were we told how furiously government and military lawyers rejected the defective OLC opinions.

· Another witness, David Luban, of Georgetown Law, called the Bush OLC memos "an ethical train wreck."

· And of course, Lindsey Graham humiliated himself, badgering a witness with whom he disagreed and citing a now-debunked ABC News story as evidence that torture works.

This makes me wonder if this is one of the reasons why Obama is delaying the torture photos.


WASHINGTON - Defense and military officials tell NBC News that President Obama will seek to delay the release of hundreds of photos which reportedly depict the abuse of prisoners by U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is expected to announce Obama's decision.

The Pentagon has said it will release the pictures this month.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Well we know the US did Torture innocent men/woman/children and we know the Bush Administration used close friends to rent jails from to torture people. Yes for 8 years we heard Axis of Evil and Dictators were all evil and enemies of the US. Well looks like Bush/Cheney played the American people for fools as we see even Libya and it's Dictator Gaddafi are best friends of the Bush Administraation. Don't be surprised if North Korea, Iran, Syria and Russia are on the list. Some countries couldn't refuse the big money Bush was handing out. Americans are told now that Obama has raised the national debt to 11 Trillion dollars. Again Americans didn't know it was at 11 Trillion dollars on Jan. 20, 2009 yes long before Obama became President. But lets face it Americans have believe Bush/Cheney and Republicans for 8 year so why would they stop lying when it works so well. If the Republicans announced like Chicken Little " the sky is falling " you can beat Americans would believe it hook line and sinker.