Tuesday, May 12, 2009

SPB News for Tuesday.

Ex-Enron CEO files high court appeal

Goldman Sachs in $60M settlement

Wal-Mart CEO signed petition backing gay adoption ban

WH to declassify torture report
CIA doc 'found no proof' torture foiled terror plots in US; contradicts Cheney.

U.S. Replaces Commander in Afghanistan in War Overhaul — WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is replacing the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, less than a year after he took over, marking a major overhaul in military leadership of a war that has presented President Obama with a worsening national security challenge.

U.S. Forced Chrysler's Creditors to Blink — President Barack Obama's auto task force heard a blunt message early this spring from J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., the largest lender to Chrysler LLC. In any deal to remake the troubled auto maker, Chrysler would have to repay its lenders all $6.9 billion it owed.

CIA and ISI together created Taliban: Zardari In a new revelation, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said that the CIA of the United States and his country's ISI together created the Taliban. "I think it was part of your past and our past, and the ISI and CIA created them together," Zardari told the NBC news channel in an interview. In the interview, which was given to the NBC on May 7, Zardari also accused the US of supporting the military rule of Pervez Musharraf who was alleged to be taking sides of the Taliban.

WaPo: Murtha Relative Used Family Connection In Biz Dealings

McCain Press Secretary Signs On With Gore Climate Group

New OMB Estimate: $1.84T Deficit In FY '09
After threat to withhold funds, House Dems agree to prisoner transfers.

President Obama Launches Office of Public Engagement
President Obama today announced a new name and a new mission for the White House office charged with dealing most closely with the American people.
The Office of Public Liaison is now the Office of Public Engagement. OPE, along with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, will serve as the front door to the White House through which ordinary Americans can participate and inform the work of the President.
Asked to comment on Barack Obama’s crack about Boehner’s glow — long the subject of gossipy speculation and derision on the Hill — Boehner spokesman Michael Steel initially declined, saying: “I can see no reason to discuss it.”
Pressed further, Steel eventually e-mailed this riposte: “If Leader Boehner had a nickel for every time he’s heard a joke like that, he could make a serious dent in Washington Democrats’ record-setting deficit.”

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