Thursday, May 21, 2009

SPB News for Thursday.

Judge says US can hold prisoners indefinitely --Prisoners can be held without being charged, indefinitely A federal judge says the United States can continue to hold some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay indefinitely without any charges. U.S. District Judge John Bates' opinion issued Tuesday night limited the Obama administration's definition of who can be held. But he said Congress in the days after Sept. 11, 2001 gave the president the authority to hold anyone involved in planning, aiding or carrying out the terrorist attacks.

Senator Claims KBR Received Massive Bonuses Despite Knowledge of Shoddy Work North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan (D) said that according to Pentagon documents, KBR Inc was paid $83.4 million in bonuses and claims that much of it was delivered after the military's contracting agency realized the company was performing shoddy, hazardous electrical work. Senator Dorgan chairs the Democrats' Policy Committee, which has investigated the electrocution deaths of U.S. troops in Iraq. KBR has denied responsibility for the many electrocution deaths in Iraq, including at least three troops electrocuted showering in facilities for which KBR was responsible.

KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers By Jeremy Scahill The Department of Defense paid former Halliburton subsidiary KBR more than $80 million in bonuses for contracts to install electrical wiring in Iraq. The award payments were for the very work that resulted in the electrocution deaths of US soldiers, according to Department of Defense documents revealed today in a Senate hearing.

CNN Poll: Obama moving US in right direction — WASHINGTON (CNN) - As the Republican Party gets ready to condemn what they call the Democrats ‘march to socialism’, a new national poll indicates that most Americans believe President Barack Obama's policies would move the country in the right direction.

Exclusive: SF Mayor Gavin Newsom Asked Court to Delay Prop 8 Ruling — Confidential sources close to San Francisco City Hall told Towleroad's Corey Johnson that the California Supreme Court was prepared to release its opinion on Proposition 8 Thursday, but decided to delay the ruling after a call from Mayor Gavin Newsom.

New Hampshire lawmakers reject gay-marriage bill — MANCHESTER, New Hampshire (Reuters) - New Hampshire lawmakers unexpectedly rejected a bill on Wednesday that would have made the state the sixth in the United States to authorize gay marriage. — The state's Democrat-controlled House …

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Whoopi will always call it as she sees it. Beck was most likely high again as he never took the 12 step program. Elizabeth better be careful now she has a son who might have to join the US Military and I'm sure her view of torture will be different then. At lease for 4 years she wont have to go on TV and cry because she wasn't invited to the White House Christmas Party like she did when Bush didn't invite her.

Now the Judge who said detainees can stay in prison indefinitely will regret that order when other countries say the same for the Americans they will be holding.