Thursday, May 14, 2009

SPB News for Thursday.

Source: Aide told Pelosi about waterboarding — CNN Congressional Producer — WASHINGTON (CNN) — A source close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now confirms that Pelosi was told in February 2003 by her intelligence aide, Michael Sheehy, that waterboarding was actually used on CIA detainee Abu Zubaydah.

Officials Knew of AIG Bonuses Months Before Firestorm — As American International Group chief executive Edward M. Liddy returns to Washington to face Congress today, new details are emerging about how long federal officials were aware of the company's recent bonus payments to its executives …

David Axelrod: 'Wait, wait, don't tell me'

FBI Whistleblower Testimony: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics --Ali Soufan Also to Testify CIA Torture Program Architect Was Unqualified As President [sic] Bush's top lawyer, Alberto Gonzales pressed counterterror officials to use brutal interrogation techniques on terror suspect Abu Zubaydah in 2002, even when those techniques hindered Zubaydah's cooperation, a former FBI agent who was present is expected to testify Wednesday before Congress.

Geithner: Small banks can apply for TARP funds Banks with assets of less than $500 million will be able to apply for capital injections from the Treasury's financial rescue package, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told a gathering of community bankers on Wednesday. Treasury has roughly $109.6 billion in funds left in its bank bailout package. However, Geithner said he expects to use funds repaid from large investment banks, in part, to pay for the new capital injections for smaller public and private community banks.
Sessions Hires Former Mukasey Chief of Staff - Sen. Jeff Sessions has chosen Brian Benczkowski, a former chief of staff to then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey, to lead the Republican staff on the Senate...

Shanna Moakler Resigns as Miss California Pageant Director — The day after Carrie Prejean was told she could keep her Miss California crown, Shanna Moakler has resigned, she confirms to exclusively. — “Since the press conference yesterday, I had a chance …

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