Friday, May 22, 2009

SPB News for Friday

Rep. Grayson: Audit the Federal Reserve

5-day mail week draws closer

Obama bubble gum: 'Yes We Want'

Both Blagojeviches to take part in TV show: While Patti Blagojevich roams the jungle in Costa Rica on a reality television show as a replacement for her indicted and travel-restricted husband, the former governor will still participate in a “surprise” manner, the couple’s publicist said yesterday

Obama: 50 Gitmo detainees cleared for transfer Forty-eight terror suspects currently held at Guantanamo Bay are waiting to be released to other nations, the Obama administration said Thursday. The prisoners are among 50 detainees whose cases President Barack Obama said Thursday have already been reviewed. The prisoners would be the first to be released to other nations under the Obama administration's effort to empty the Cuba-based prison without bringing all its inmates to the United States.

Ex-soldier spared death sentence for Iraq murders An ex-soldier convicted of raping and killing an Iraqi teen and murdering her family was spared the death penalty Thursday and will serve a life sentence after jurors couldn't agree unanimously on a punishment for the brutal crimes. Pfc. Steven Dale Green of Midland, Texas, and three other soldiers in March 2006 went to the home of 14-year-old Abeer Qassim al-Janabi near Mahmoudiya, about 20 miles south of Baghdad. Green shot and killed the teen's mother, father and sister, then became the third soldier to rape the girl before shooting her in the face.

Ahmadinejad: I'm defending Iran's dignity by standing up to West Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he is defending Iran's dignity by standing up to the West, a statement on the Iranian president's website said late Wednesday. Ahmadinejad faces a difficult election next month and has been highlighting his defiance as part of his quest to win a second term. According to the Web site, he also called "disgraceful" a deal his predecessor reached with the EU in 2003 to suspend the country's uranium enrichment program.

Another $7.5 billion bailout for GMAC --Auto lender to GM and Chrysler gets big investment from Treasury. 21 May 2009 The Obama administration announced Thursday that it has invested $7.5 billion in GMAC, aiming to prop up the troubled lender and boost its ability to make loans to Chrysler dealers and customers. GMAC is the main source of financing for General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) customers and was recently tapped by the administration as the main lender for Chrysler.

Feds shut Bank United, largest failure of '09

Pelosi Gets Poor Marks for Handling Interrogation Matter — More disapprove than approve of speaker's response — PRINCETON, NJ — More Americans disapprove than approve of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's handling of the matter concerning the government's use of harsh interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects.

Michael Moore turns his lens on Wall Street; film out in Oct.

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