Thursday, May 07, 2009

Sen. Leahy: Investigate Bush-Cheney abuses

Senator Leahy explains why he has called for the
establishment of a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate abuses by the Bush-Cheney Administration. If you choose, sign his petition at

1 comment:

airJackie said...

When President Obama releases all the memos Americnas will learn the US tortured some detainees to death only to release they had no involvement with Al Qeada. Many detainees were kidnapped on bad information and some were professional doctors and professors. We tortured these innocent people to death learning later we had the wrong people. But we did pay their Families for killing them. That's one thing the Bush Administration did well, they took taxpayers money to keep Families silent on the murders. The conduct by the US at Gitmo is as close as you can get to the Nazi's.