Friday, May 08, 2009

Rove Lawyer: Likely Early June For US Attorneys Testimony


Karl Rove's long-awaited testimony before Congress about the US Attorney firings will likely occur around early June, according to Rove's lawyer.
Robert Luskin told TPMmuckraker that the Obama White House has been painstakingly sorting through the documents related to the firings, and is providing them to Rove and to the House Judiciary committee simultaneously.
It's that process, said Luskin, that's driving the scheduling of Rove's testimony. Luskin stressed that the discussions have been cordial on all sides.
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1 comment:

airJackie said...

Rove will lie and take the 5th but the aides and documents will do him in. Bush is in depression and Rove has no friends. Time is running out and the pink jail jumpsuit is waiting.