Monday, May 04, 2009

Republican agonistes: A weekend pow-wow to "reconnect" with the constituents

Of course, I didn't see the event on TV this weekend. Finally, catching up. When I heard that The Party of No recruit Jeb Bush as their spokesperson, it will be downhill from the GOP Party. The Bush name is an albatross.

Crooks and Liars:

Republicans were out this weekend in force, holding town-hall meetings designed to "reconnect" with constituents -- and demonstrating in the process that they remain as clueless as ever.

As it happens, there was also an interesting Rasmussen poll showing that those constituents basically despise them:

Just 21% of GOP voters believe Republicans in Congress have done a good job representing their own party’s values, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) say congressional Republicans have lost touch with GOP voters throughout the nation. These findings are virtually unchanged from a survey just after Election Day.

Among all voters, 73% say Republicans in Congress have lost touch with the GOP base.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans say it is more important for the GOP to stand for what it believes in than for the party to work with President Obama. Twenty-two percent (22%) want their party to work with the President more.

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