Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Report: Burris promised to write check to Blago


The Blago-Burris affair has been simmering away quietly in the background for the last few months. And today brought some interesting news, via the Chicago Sun-Times.

Burris' lawyer said that last November -- about a month before Blagojevich picked him to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat -- Burris promised Blago's brother he'd write a check to the then-governor's campaign.
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Maybe Burris want to cancel that check:

Secret recordings of Burris, Blago's brother to be released

CHICAGO — A federal judge said Tuesday he would allow the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee to have a federal wiretap of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's brother having a phone conversation with U.S. Sen. Roland Burris.

The conversation between Burris and the former governor's brother occurred while Blagojevich was still governor and before he named Burris to President Barack Obama's former U.S. Senate seat.

Burris has been under intense scrutiny because of the circumstances of his appointment by the disgraced former governor and for changing his story multiple times about whether he promised anything in exchange for the appointment.


airJackie said...

Good to know Burris is up to his heck in this mess. More information will come out about Burris and he will continue to lie his way out. Lying seems to be a large part of the US now as we see even our Law Makers openly lie as well as Priest and others. No need to tell kids to tell the truth when adults are lying all the time.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Burris was not even smart enough to claim a senior moment or claim he did not recall like Ronnie.

Chicago Tribune bloggers call him "Tombstone" because of the cemetery plot. I wish I thought of that first!