Saturday, May 09, 2009

Reid says Cheney tortured, but proposes letting him off

Christiane Brown interviews Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in this audio clip.

Here's a key segment:

Reid: Listen, if you ask me my opinion.

Brown: Yeah.

Reid: What went on, waterboarding, torture, of course it was. I don't want to be drowned. I I think that as afraid of - as afraid of - as afraid as I am with water, frankly probably you could drown me and I would confess to a lot of things that weren't true....

Brown: Isn't it the responsibility of the United States to enforce criminal law if it appears that war crimes have occured?

Reid: No matter how I personally feel about torture, I think that we as you've indicated that we are a nation of law. And that's why we have to get the facts and then have people render legal decisions which certainly don't take very long, render opinion as to whether or not what was done was wrong, illegal, immoral, and you know all the other issues.

Brown: Well let me ask you, Senator Reid, you've seen the evidence come forward. We've heard Dick Cheney himself say he waterboarded and he'd waterboard again.... Isn't that therfore an obvious and admitted crime right there in the face of the American people?

Reid: Something everyone has to weigh is this, we're a nation of laws and no one can dispute that, but I think what we have to, the hurdle we have to get over is whether we want to go after people like Cheney. That's a decision that has to be made....

Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Reid is been assigned to protect the Bush Administration criminals. Now just think of all the criminals who wish the Law would just forget about their crimes. Why not let Duke Cunningham and Jackie Abramoff out or even Bernie Madoff. Darth Cheney sealed his own faith when to went on the air waves and announced he signed the torture order and would do it again. Many Americans remember Nixon got off for the crimes he did to the USA. Bush and Cheney not only committed crimes against the American people but they also committed crimes all around the World. Not one Gitmo detainee was an American all were Foreigners. 98 innocent detainees were torture to death as even woman and children were tortured. With the fair trials set up by Obama we will learn that the CIA were given false information and captured innocent people. Yes we did pay the Families of those innocent 98 detainees we tortured to death. We were the real Axis of Evil Bush spoke about. Many Law Makers were involved and yes Pelosi and Reid approved of the action. Pelosi is now trying to act like she didn't know anything about it as her aide is asked to lie and fall on the sworn. Pelosi thinks the American people are so stupid we would believe her aide sit in the meeting and never told her a thing. Reid owes the Republicans for every thing he has and he could be called the most loyal Republican in the Democratic Party. Notice Feinstein is staying low in hopes her criminal activity doesn't come out as she didn't get as rich as she is by working for the American people. Crime is enbedded in the US Govement and it's time to clean house.