Sunday, May 31, 2009

Police: Contraversial Kansas abortion physician killed

Controversial doctor was acquitted in March on charges related to his work

WICHITA, Kansas - Wichita police say that abortion provider Dr. George Tiller has been shot and killed at his Wichita church.

Tiller has been among the few U.S. physicians performing late-term abortion.

His clinic has repeatedly been the site of protests for about two decades.

The Wichita Eagle was reporting on its Web site,, that Tiller, 67, was shot just after 10 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church, where he was a member of the congregation. The newspaper reported that witnesses and a police source confirmed Tiller was the victim.

Authorities looking for powder blue TaurusThe New York Times reported Sunday that the shots were fired from a handgun in the church lobby during the morning service. Authorities told the newspaper they were searching for a powder blue Taurus made in the 1990s that had been seen leaving shortly after the shooting. Witnesses told authorities they saw a white man departing.

NBC News affiliate, KSN news, said the Taurus has a Kansas tag of 225BAB that is traced to a residence in Marion, Kan.
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airJackie said...

I don't get it why people demand life yet they feel free to murder. Those who strongely condemn abortions feel it's ok to murder and torture others while using God as their base. Satan is doing a great job. We learned how the Church is against abortions and Priest marrying yet history has shown Priest have always had bed warmers and even the Church of Rome as a grave yard of dead babies. No one wants to talk about how for centuries Priest have been molesting kids and still do. If anyone can explain that one to me please do.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Only Satan would kill a man in a church.