Friday, May 08, 2009

Planet Wingnuttia News for Friday.

Meet Newt the clown....

Coulter: Goldwater lost because he was too liberal
It's always special when the King and Queen of Wingnuttery get together. And last night on The O'Reilly Factor, BillO and Ann Coulter didn't disappoint.
We even got some special comedy stylings from the Annorexic One:
O'Reilly: OK, tactics now. Do you agree that the Republican Party is severely weakened at this point in history?
Coulter: No, I think we just lost an election. I hope Republicans aren't this insufferable we win an election, declaring the Democratic Party finished forever.

Graham Falsely Claims All Gitmo Detainees Are ‘Enemy Combatants,’ Says They Can Be Held ‘Forever’
Wednesday night on Fox News, host Greta Van Susteren and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) were discussing President Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo Bay terror detainee prison. During the segment, Graham — who, with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), had written a Wall Street Journal op-ed on the subject that day — argued that the military or the CIA, not the federal justice system, should determine which detainees represent a threat to the U.S.
Van Susteren noted that “we’re still holding people who haven’t done anything.” “No, that’s not true,” Graham said, adding that “every one of them” has “gone through a military board, and the military labeled them an enemy combatant.” According to Graham, “You can hold an enemy prisoner as long as the war is going on” or “forever,” as he later pointed out:
VAN SUSTEREN: Does anyone want them?
GRAHAM: Well, I don’t care. If we can’t give them to somebody else. My point is, Greta, if you’re a part of the enemy force, we can hold you forever.

Pat Robertson: Gay marriage is ‘the beginning in a long downward slide’ to legalized child molestation. »
Wednesday, when Gov. John Baldacci (D)
signed a marriage equality law, Maine became the fifth state to allow legal same-sex marriage. On the Christian Broadcasting Network today, Pat Robertson responded by claiming that the “ultimate conclusion” of legalizing same-sex marriage would be the legalization of polygamy, bestiality, child molestation and pedophilia. “You mark my words, this is just the beginning in a long downward slide in relation to all the things that we consider to be abhorrent,” said Robertson.


airJackie said...

Pat Robertson better be careful as he's going to made Rush and Foley mad for adding their conduct to his speeches on Gay marrigae.

Ms Graham is scared the public will learn the US tortued to death 98 innocent people because we were given false information. Yes the report also details the torture to woman and children. The Media and Law Makers want the American people to think all the detainees are enemy but less then 2 per cent are in some way involved with Al Qeada. My mistake the US paid people to tell who the people were that knew Bin Laden. As the US was giving money for information money out righ lied on people they just didn't like. Some detainees are respected Doctors and Professors. We found out later that these people had nothing to do with Al Qeada and it was too late we had already tortured them.

Anonymous said...

On the Falafal factor Billy and Coultergast never disappoint......excuse me while I barf.........

Ok, but it's a right wing nut job feel good station, and it's full of blowhards. But many are GOP, seriously, I have met some, because they honestly think this is the G*O*D party. Sad so many turn on Faux and are like deer in headlights when the light of the Falafel Factor or Weasel Insannity come on.