Thursday, May 07, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday.

Hannity lies about hate-crimes bill, claims Dems protect pedophiles but not veterans
Nonetheless, the hamhanded upshot of these cheap ploys is that Sean Hannity could get on the air and say:
HANNITY: Is it safe to say that Democrats were willing to protect pedophiles but not offer the same protection to servicemen and women? Is that an accurate statement?
KING: Sean, it is a matter of congressional record. Absolutely true -- beyond any doubt whatsoever.
Media Matters has the transcript:

O'Reilly knows how GOP can revive its franchise: Attack Bruce Springsteen
Bill O'Reilly has a plan for the Republican Party to get its mojo back: Go after Bruce Springsteen!
O'Reilly last night, in his Talking Points Memo segment, cites a remark Springsteen made at the Pete Seeger tribute concert the other night:
At 90, he [Seeger] remains a stealth dagger through the heart of our country's illusions about itself. ... He sings all the verses, all the time. Especially the ones that we'd like to leave out of our history as a people.
This incensed O'Reilly -- who nonetheless spotted an opportunity therein:
Now, Bruce Springsteen is not a PhD in political science, obviously. But his snide reference to America defines how the far left sees this country. And you know what? Most liberal and conservative Americans disagree with him.
So let me spell this out to that even the Republican leadership can understand it. Get solutions to problems. Explain your Culture War positions clearly and without spite. And most important, stick up for America! Because the Democrats are certainly not doing that. Use that strategy, GOP, and you'll get back in the game.
He repeats the point a little later with Karl Rove:
All right, but the Democratic Party has been very successful in demonizing the Republicans as a bunch of people who, uh, say no to everything, ah, are bigoted, you know, because of their social issues of gay marriage and illegal immigration. And they've been very, very successful in doing that. And I would say now that conservatives are on the defensive. And the Republican Party certainly is.
Continue reading »

Buchanan: ‘What is happening now to white men right now is exactly what was done to black folks for years.’

On MSNBC’s Hardball last night, host Chris Matthews, Salon’s Joan Walsh and MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan debated the case of firefighter Frank Ricci, who was denied a promotion due to an affirmative action law. During the debated, Buchanan vociferously defended Ricci, eventually declaring that “what is happening now to white men right now is exactly what was done to black folks for years.” Matthews and Walsh quickly disagreed with Buchanan. “No, they’re not being lynched, Pat. They’re really, they’re not being lynched,” said Walsh

Limbaugh Responds To Powell: He Needs To ‘Close The Loop And Become A Democrat’ — On Monday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said that he believed the Republican party is in “deep trouble,” “getting smaller,” and being led by polarizing figures like Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) and Rush Limbaugh.
Graham: ‘If we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us.’
After it was announced earlier this week that Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) would replace Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) as the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, bloggers, including ThinkProgress, noted that Sessions had a record of racial insensitivity that stopped his appointment to the federal bench in 1986. Now, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is hitting back at the blogs:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Republicans would fight back hard if Democrats or liberal groups try to make the Supreme Court confirmation process about Sessions’ record, rather than about Obama’s nominee to replace Justice David Souter.
“If people try to go down that road, it’ll blow up in their face, because Jeff is a good guy,” Graham said. “My hope is that our Democratic colleagues — if you start listening to the bloggers — if we’re going to let the bloggers run the country, then the country’s best days are behind us.”

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